الأحد، 27 أغسطس 2017

Iran Political prisoner joins mass hunger strike

Iran: Political prisoner joins mass hunger strike

FreeIran, Iran, Iranian Opposition, IRGC, MaryamRajavi, NCRI, PMOI, Rajavi, MEK, 

Political prisoner Arzhang Davoudi, has gone on hunger strike since August 20, 2017, in solidarity with hanger striking political prisoners held in Rajaii Shahr Prison.
The elderly prisoner Arzhang Davoudi, has been held in solidarity confinement since he was transferred to Zabol Prison, in the southeastern province of Sistan and Baluchistan.
In a message he emphasized that he will support the hunger strikers in Rajaii Shahr Prison and he is not going to stop his hunger strike until his demands are met.
Mr. Davoodi has been transferred 16 times among various prisoner which lack any health and medical facilities. He has currently been held in solitary confinement, deprived of any visitations and telephone calls. He has also been denied access to reading materials.

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