الأربعاء، 23 أغسطس 2017

Iran on the path of North Korea

Iran on the path of North Korea

The UN Security Council should impose comprehensive sanctions on the Iranian regime to prevent Iran from acquiring a nuclear bomb

FreeIran, Iran, Iranian Opposition, IRGC, NCRI, PMOI, Rajavi, MaryamRajavi, MEK, 

Iran can enrich uranium within five days if the U.S. imposes more sanctions on Iran, Ali Akbar Salehi, Iran's atomic agency head, warned this week. He claimed that Iran could achieve 20% enriched uranium in five days – a level at which it could then quickly be processed further into weapons-grade nuclear material.
Last week, Iranian president Hassan Rouhani announced that Iran could abandon its nuclear agreement with world powers "within hours" if the United States imposes any more new sanctions.
"If America wants to go back to the experience of imposing sanctions, Iran would certainly return in a short time – not a week or a month, but within hours - to conditions more advanced than before the start of negotiations," Rouhani told a session of parliament broadcast live on state television.
In response, U.N. ambassador Nikki Haley said Iran should not be allowed "to use the nuclear deal to hold the world hostage."

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