الخميس، 24 أغسطس 2017

In Saturday, I joined a one-day symbolic hunger strike in Stockholm alongside dozens of other Iranians living in European countries.

In Saturday, I joined a one-day symbolic hunger strike in Stockholm alongside dozens of other Iranians living in European countries.

FreeIran, Iran, Iranian Opposition, MaryamRajavi, IRGC, NCRI, PMOI, Rajavi, MEK, 

You have done a wonderful job and you are worthy of appreciation and it is a valuable humanitarian work
Our aim was to draw urgent international attention to the plight of numerous Iranian political prisoners who have been on hunger strike now for over three weeks over the appalling abuses they are facing at the hands of the religious dictatorship.
To its shame, European Union officials have remained silent on the political prisoners’ brutal treatment. Indeed, EU foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini went to Tehran on August 5 to attend the inauguration ceremony for Hassan Rouhani’s second term as President. Mogherini failed to utter a word of condemnation over the mullahs’ human rights abuses, even though at least 18 political prisoners were on hunger strike while she was in Tehran.On July 30, wardens in Iran’s notorious Rajai-Shahr Prison raided the ward for political prisoners, beating dozens of defenceless oppositions activists and confiscating their belongings. The inmates, some of whom are vocal supporters of the main democratic opposition People’s Mojahedin (PMOI or MEK), were subsequently transferred to an isolated high-security section of this prison which is equipped with CCTV. More than 60 surveillance devices and 40 closed-circuit cameras have been installed there to prevent any leakage of reports to the outside. All openings and windows have been covered and sealed with metal sheets.

Iran has a history of mistreating political prisoners. But the most grizzly case of all took place in the summer of 1988. Days after Ruhollah Khomeini reluctantly accepted a ceasefire in the Iran-Iraq war, he attempted to strengthen his grip on power by eliminating all political opponents who were languishing in prison.
Thousands of dissidents, the vast majority MEK affiliates who were already serving prison sentences, were taken before three-man ‘Death Commissions’ and asked if they continued to support the group. Those who said yes were immediately taken away for execution.

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