الثلاثاء، 29 أغسطس 2017

Iran President's 2nd Term Begins With Abuses, Hunger Strike by Political PrisonersIran President's 2nd Term Begins With Abuses, Hunger Strike by Political Prisoners

Iran President's 2nd Term Begins With Abuses, Hunger Strike by Political Prisoners

FreeIran, Iranian Opposition, IRGC, MaryamRajavi, NCRI, PMOI, Rajavi, MEK, Iran, 
“Their protest denounces the inhuman conditions in which they are detained and how they are treated repressively by the prison authorities. On July 30, these authorities deprived them of their personal belongings (including essential medicines) and violently transferred them to another section of the prison with more worse conditions.”
(CNSNews.com) – Concerns are deepening for the well-being of more than 20 Iranian political prisoners on hunger strike, who reportedly are being denied medical care by authorities who triggered their protest in the first place by forcibly transferring them to accommodation where conditions are described as “unbearable.”

The incident comes in the early weeks of the second term of Iranian President Hasan Rouhani, whose ostensibly “moderate” presidency has been characterized by ongoing repression at home, include a 20-year high in executions.

Iran President's 2nd Term Begins With Abuses, Hunger Strike by Political PrisonersIran President's 2nd Term Begins With Abuses, Hunger Strike by Political Prisoners

Iran President's 2nd Term Begins With Abuses, Hunger Strike by Political Prisoners

FreeIran, Iran, Iranian Opposition, IRGC, MaryamRajavi, NCRI, PMOI, Rajavi, MEK, 

IRAN:  The Italian Parliamentary and Citizens' Committee for a Free Iran expresses its deep concern at the serious conditions of 21 Iranian prisoners on hunger strike - many for about a month - in the Raja'i-shahr (Gohardasht) prison in the city of Karaj, west of the capital of Tehran, according to a 17 August press release by the group.

(CNSNews.com) – Concerns are deepening for the well-being of more than 20 Iranian political prisoners on hunger strike, who reportedly are being denied medical care by authorities who triggered their protest in the first place by forcibly transferring them to accommodation where conditions are described as “unbearable.”

The incident comes in the early weeks of the second term of Iranian President Hasan Rouhani, whose ostensibly “moderate” presidency has been characterized by ongoing repression at home, include a 20-year high in executions.
Some of those affected at the Gohardasht prison west of Tehran have been on hunger strike for a month now, and political prisoners at other jails have begun to voice support and in some cases have joined the protest action.

According to rights advocates the newly “renovated” section of the Gohardasht facility to which more than 50 prisoners were moved late last month lacks beds and clean drinking water, and the windows are covered by metal limiting air circulation and making it difficult to breathe freely.

The transfer – which was accompanied by guards’ assaults on prisoners unwilling to move – also reportedly deprived the inmates of privately-purchased prescribed medications and personal belongings they were unable to take with them, including personal photographs and letters.

In a penal system where inmates often have to buy food from canteens to supplement the inadequate meals provided, the political prisoners also lost food supplies, kitchenware and a refrigerator.

“They are held in cells with windows covered by metal sheets, and deprived of access to clean drinking water, food and sufficient beds,” Amnesty International reported. “They are also barred from having in-person family visits and denied access to telephones, which are usually available in other parts of the prison.”

Some of the prisoners concerned were identified by Amnesty International as human rights defender Jafar Eghdami, journalist and blogger Saeed Pour Heydar, postgraduate student Hamid Babaei, and Baha’i prisoners Adel Naimi, Farhad Dahandaj and Peyman Koushak Baghi.

Crackdown on Iranian political prisoners reveals Rouhani's true colors

Crackdown on Iranian political prisoners reveals Rouhani's true colors
FreeIran, Iran, Iranian Opposition, IRGC, MaryamRajavi, NCRI, PMOI, Rajavi, MEK, 

Mullah Rouhani is responsible for executions and torture in prisons in Iran

While Tehran's diplomacy apparatus has been trying to portray a moderate image of the Iranian regime, the realities inside the country reveal a completely different truth.
On July 30, a few days before the inauguration of Hassan Rouhani's second term as president, the special guards of Gohardasht Prison, Karaj (60 kilometers west of Tehran), also known as Raja'i Shahr, raided a ward where political prisoners, prisoners of conscience, human rights defenders, trade unionists, journalists, and students were kept.  The prison guards forcibly transferred some 50 inmates to a separate hall without allowing them to take their personal possessions, including their medicine.  In the process, several of the prisoners who protested the unlawful act were beaten and injured.
Hall 10, where the prisoners have been transferred, is a high-security section.  Surveillance cameras and listening devices are installed in every corner, including the bathrooms, in order to keep the prisoners under strict control.  The hall lacks minimum facilities, including beds and hygienic accessories, and the windows are sealed from both sides, preventing ventilation.
The measure is apparently a reaction to the prisoners' protests to their deteriorating conditions and their secret correspondence with international bodies about the inhuman treatment of inmates in Iran's prisons.
In response, the prisoners have gone on a hunger strike and demanded their transfer to their previous ward and the return of their personal belongings.  After nearly a month, despite their deteriorating health and constant threats by prison guards to send them to solitary confinement or execute them, they've remained steadfast in their resolve to restore their rights.

الاثنين، 28 أغسطس 2017

ANALYSIS How the tide is turning against Iran

ANALYSIS: How the tide is turning against Iran

FreeIran, Iran, Iranian Opposition, IRGC, MaryamRajavi, NCRI, PMOI, Rajavi, MEK, 

Mullah Rohani is involved in killing Syrians and Iraqis as well as in Yemen, Lebanon and the Iranian people want to topple the regime

As ISIS is losing ground in its two last enclaves of Raqqa and Deir el-Zor, there are many rightfully concerning reports of Iran seeking to chip further control in Syria.
All the while, there are also signs of contradictory remarks heard from senior Iranian officials, parallel to indications on the ground of how international counterparts are seeking their own interests that fall completely against those of Tehran’s.
Such incoherency signals nothing but troubling times ahead for Iran in losing its grasp of strategic interests across the Middle East, including Syria.

‘Not tantamount to meddling’

Similar sentiments were heard recently from Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif and Revolutionary Guards (IRGC) Quds Force commander Qassem Suleimani. Zarif exerted himself to defend Tehran’s carnage in other countries under the pretext of a mandate to defend human rights.
“The foreign policy of the Islamic Republic, based on the constitution, is a policy that is naturally founded on human rights. What is the meaning of human rights? It means defending the rights of innocent against oppressors… We have this definition in our constitution. This is not tantamount to meddling,” he claimed.
Zarif’s remarks were followed by Suleimani’s insight. “There were friends in high places, in our country’s domestic and foreign hierarchy, who argued not to get involved in Syria and Iraq, and sit back and respectfully defend the revolution. One individual asked you mean we go and defend dictators? The leader (referring to Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei) provided a clear response in saying when you look at the countries we have relations with, who is a dictator and who is not? We simply look at our interests,” he explained.

A troubling slate

The relations Khamenei refers to promote an image into the very nature of his establishment. Bashar Al-Assad’s dictatorship in Syria can be read as a reign of death and destruction. With Iran’s support and in the absence of a coordinated global response over 500,000 have been killed, scores more injured, over 12 million are internally displaced or forced to seek refuge abroad, and swathes of the country is left in ruins.
Iraq’s former prime minister Nouri Al-Maliki, another figure described as Tehran’s puppet, has a similar report card unfortunately gone neglected. The Sunni community was the main target of Al-Maliki’s Iran-backed wrath, fueling the rise of ISIS.
In Yemen the Houthis and ousted dictator Ali Abdullah Salah have also been at the receiving end of Iran’s support. As the Saudi-led coalition advances against Iran’s disastrous efforts, signs of major rifts, and even reports of clashes between the two forces, constitute a major quagmire for Tehran.
The Lebanese Hezbollah, Iran’s proxy offspring brought to life by the IRGC back in the early 1980s, are known to instigate the Syrian war by supporting Al-Assad, and pursuing Tehran’s interest wherever needed across the Middle East.
Looking abroad, Iran has established cozy relations with North Korea and Venezuela, both dictators whose people are starving. The Pyongyang-Tehran axis is especially raising concerns considering their close nuclear and ballistic missile collaboration.



FreeIran, Iran, IRGC, Iranian Opposition, MaryamRajavi, NCRI, PMOI, Rajavi, MEK, Iranian Opposition, 

Khomeini destroyed hope in the Iranian people, only with MaryamRajavi who is abundant of love and hope return to a comfortable life is possible
INU - On the 29th anniversary of the massacre of political prisoners in Iran, and the first anniversary of the Movement Calling for Justice for the Victims of the 1988 Massacre, a ceremony was held at one of the PMOI/MEK headquarters in Tirana, capital of Albania, on Saturday, August 19, 2017.
Many dignitaries and Human Right activists attended and addressed the ceremony. The included, the daughter of the late Senator Robert Kennedy and President of Robert Kennedy Human Rights Foundation, Ms. Kerry Kennedy, along with Mr. Mariano Rabino, member of the Foreign Affairs and Human Rights committees of the Parliament of Italy, and Senator Pietro Liuzzi, member of Cultural and EU Policy committees of the Italian Senate, as well as Ms. Ingrid Betancourt, former Senator from Columbia, and Tahar Boumedra, former director of the Human Rights Office of UNAMI.
The President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, made a speech at this gathering. She laid a flower wreath at the monument commemorating the victims, and paid them respects at the end of the ceremony.
Mrs. Rajavi’s speech before the attendees of the ceremony is reproduced below:

Hunger strike that shames Iran’s so-called moderates

Hunger strike that shames Iran’s so-called moderates

FreeIran, Iran, Iranian Opposition, IRGC, NCRI, MaryamRajavi, PMOI, Rajavi, MEK, 

Mullah Rohani is a liar. He does not want to do anything to improve the human rights situation in Iran. He can not do anything because he has been involved in killing and torture in Iran since the beginning of the mullahs' government.

Protecting and promoting human rights is one of the major promises that Hassan Rouhani and the so-called moderates continue to give to the people of Iran. As Rouhani enters his fifth year as president, however, not only has Iran’s human rights record not improved, evidence suggests it has significantly deteriorated, particularly when it comes to the situation of minorities such as Sunnis.   
A major area that requires more global attention is the plight of political prisoners, journalists and human rights activists in jail. Specifically, what is happening to them behind the walls of Iran’s prisons?
Last month, inmates in Hall 12 of Gohardasht prison, also known as Rajai Shahr, 20km west of Tehran, were subjected to a violent and unexplained raid that led to more than 50 prisoners being transferred to Hall 10, where conditions and treatment were even worse.
Hall 10 had been newly renovated before the raid, apparently with the explicit intention of putting more pressure on the prisoners of conscience who the Iranian regime was planning to transfer there.The prisoners are subject to 24-hour video and audio surveillance, even inside private cells and bathrooms. Windows have been covered over with metal sheeting, reducing airflow during summer in a place already known for its inhumane and unhygienic conditions.

الأحد، 27 أغسطس 2017

وقفة احتجاجية لإيرانيين في باريس تضامنا مع السجناء المضربين عن الطعام

وقفة احتجاجية لإيرانيين في باريس تضامنا مع السجناء المضربين عن الطعام\

FreeIran, Iran, Iranian Opposition, IRGC, MaryamRajavi, NCRI, PMOI, Rajavi, MEK, 

رسالة معبرة الي الضمائر الحية والمنظمات الإنسانية لإجل التحرك لإنقاذ حياة السجناء السياسسين المضربين عن الطعام في إيران وفي يو الأثنين 28 أغسطس دخلوا يومهم الـ 29 في الإضراب ، وضعهم الصحي خطير ويجب التحرك السريع وربما تكون الفرصة الأخيرة  

اجتمع إيرانيون في المنفى اليوم، بساحة «آن واليد» أمام وزارة الخارجية الفرنسية بباريس، لتنبيه السلطات والرأي العام بمصير 20 سجينًا سياسيًا دخلوا في إضراب عن الطعام بسجن «رجائي شهر» في إيران منذ 4 أسابيع.

وحمل المتظاهرون، بمن فيهم أفراد أسر السجناء السياسيين وسجناء الرأي السابقين، صورًا للسجناء السياسيين المضربين عن الطعام.

ونظمت هذه الوقفة الاحتجاجية لجنة الدفاع عن حقوق الإنسانفي إيران، وهي منظمة غير حكومية نشطة بشكل خاص بشأن القضايا المتعلقة بانتهاكات حقوق الإنسان في إيران.

واحتشدت الجالية الإيرانية في مختلف البلدان تضامنا مع السجناء السياسيين، كما باشر عدد من الإيرانيين الإضراب عن الطعام لبضعة أيام في لندن ولاهاي وفرانكفورت وآرهوس (الدنمارك) متضامنين مع السجناء السياسيين.

وقالت سيمن نوري، من المركز الإيراني لحقوق الإنسان، إنه وفقا للمعلومات التي تم الحصول عليها من الأسر، فإن السجناء يعيشيون في حالة مثيرة للقلق، حيث تم نقل حسن صادقي في 21 أغسطس إلى مستشفى «فارابي» الواقع في ميدان «قزوين» جنوب طهران، وهو يعاني من فقدان الرؤية بسبب الضربات الشديدة على عينيه بسبب الاعتداء عليه.

ويقول الأطباء أنه قد يفقد بصره، فيما قالت السيدة نوري إن صادقي اعتقل في عام 2015 للمرة الثالثة لدعمه لمنظمة مجاهدي خلق الإيرانية، وحكم عليه بالسجن لمدة 15 عاما.

وأكدت السيدة «أزاده عالمي»، عن أحد أقربائها من بين السجناء المضربين، إن كثيرين منهم لم يعد لديهم القدرة على الوقوف على قدميهم.

وقال السيد أفشين علوي، عضو المجلس الوطني للمقاومة الإيرانية، الذي يمثل تحالف المعارضة الديمقراطية، الذي حضرهذه التظاهرة، إن المقاومة الإيرانية تدعو إلى اتخاذ إجراءات عاجلة من قبل المنظمات الدولية للدفاع عن حقوق الإنسان، ولا سيما مفوضة الأمم المتحدة السامية لحقوق الإنسان ومجلسحقوق الإنسان، من أجل إنقاذ هؤلاء السجناء السياسيين.

وأضاف أن الحكومات في أوروبا يجب أن تحدد علاقاتها مع الثيوقراطية المتطرفة للملالي لتحسين وضع حقوق الإنسان في هذا البلد.

بالصور.. معارضة إيران تنظم وقفة احتجاجية بباريس تضامنا مع السجناء السياسيين

بالصور.. معارضة إيران تنظم وقفة احتجاجية بباريس تضامنا مع السجناء السياسيين

FreeIran, Iran, Iranian Opposition, IRGC, MaryamRajavi, NCRI, PMOI, Rajavi, MEK, 

 مطلب الشعب الإيراني المُلح هو اسقاط النظام لان كافة مشاكل الشعب تأتي من وراء حكومة الملالي المجرمين 

اجتمع إيرانيون في المنفى اليوم، بساحة «آن واليد» أمام وزارة الخارجية الفرنسية بباريس، لتنبيه السلطات والرأي العام بمصير 20 سجينًا سياسيًا دخلوا في إضراب عن الطعام بسجن «رجائي شهر» في إيران منذ 4 أسابيع.

وبحسب بيان المعارضة حمل المتظاهرون، بمن فيهم أفراد أسر السجناء السياسيين وسجناء الرأى السابقين صورا عن السجناء السياسيين المضربين عن الطعام.
ونظمت هذه الوقفة الاحتجاجية لجنة الدفاع عن حقوق الإنسان فى إيران، وهى منظمة غير حكومية نشطة بشكل خاص بشأن القضايا المتعلقة بانتهاكات حقوق الإنسان فى إيران.
واحتشدت الجالية الإيرانية فى مختلف البلدان تضامنا مع السجناء السياسيين. وأن نشاطات مماثلة تجرى لمدة أسبوع فى جميع أنحاء العالم من أستراليا إلى الولايات المتحدة وأوروبا، كما باشر عدد من الإيرانيين بالإضراب عن الطعام لبضعة أيام فى لندن ولاهاى وفرانكفورت وآرهوس (الدنمارك) متضامنين مع السجناء السياسيين.
وقالت سيمن نورى من المركز الإيرانى لحقوق الإنسان، إنه وفقا للمعلومات التى تم الحصول عليها من الأسر، فأن السجناء يعيشيون فى حالة مثيرة للقلق حيث تم نقل حسن صادقى فى 21 أغسطس إلى مستشفى فارابى الواقع فى ميدان قزوين بجنوب طهران وهو يعانى من فقدان الرؤية بسبب الضربات الشديدة على عينيه بسبب الاعتداء عليه. ويقول الأطباء أنه قد يفقد بصره ". 

Vast protests, deplorable conditions of women nurses in Iran

Vast protests, deplorable conditions of women nurses in Iran

FreeIran, Iran, Iranian Opposition, IRGC, MaryamRajavi, NCRI, PMOI, Rajavi, MEK, 
The Iranian regime is a system of return to dark ages and should inevitably be overthrown for the sake of a decent life for the Iranian people

The situation of nurses' employment and occupation in Iran merits attention.
According to the latest figures compiled on the number of protests taking place in Iran, an average of 20 protests take place in Iran every day. One of the sectors constantly staging protests are the nurses. Despite their heavy-duty involving a lot of work, pressure and harms, the majority of nurses in Iran do not have official employment. They work on temporary contracts. They are offered a small salary and even that small salary is not regularly paid.
The latest protest by nurses was in Boushehr on August 24, 2017, where they protested non-payment of eight months of their past due salaries. Women nurses in Semnan also staged protests on July 16 and 17, 2017, outside the Governor's Office in this city to demand 11 months of past due salaries. The nurses and staff of one of the hospitals in Yasouj also staged a protest on May 30, 2017, demanding six months of non-paid salary. Similar protests have been staged all across the country throughout the year.
The Vice-President of the Nursing Organization had to acknowledge that while nurses are forced to work overtime, their overtime fees had not been paid for between six to ten months.
Nurses are not paid while regime officials have admitted that in the past 1.5 years, at least 16 educated nurses between 25 and 45 years of age have died at their workplace due to pressure caused by working different shifts, leading to heart stroke and other fatal problems.
Five months earlier, the same official announced that 10 nurses had died at work. This means that in only five months, six nurses have died at the workplace due to pressure at work. It should be noted that the figures officially announced by Iranian officials have to be considered to be the minimum.
One of the vice-presidents of the Nursing Organization, Dr. Jaleh Ezzati, admitted that there is a shortage of nurses in hospitals. She said, “In Iran, every 15 patients have one nurse, while by the international standards every nurse has to attend to one or maximum of four patients.”
Another official acknowledged shortage of 100,000 nurses in the country.

نهر اللبن

نهر اللبن

FreeIran, Iran, Iranian Opposition, IRGC, MaryamRajavi, NCRI, PMOI, Rajavi, MEK, 

IRAN: On 27th Day of Hunger Strike, Political Prisoners Health Deteriorates Rapidly

IRAN: On 29th Day of Hunger Strike, Political Prisoners Health Deteriorates Rapidly

FreeIran, Iran, Iranian Opposition, IRGC, MaryamRajavi, NCRI, PMOI, Rajavi, MEK,

We call upon the conscience and the humanitarian community to act immediately to save the lives of political prisoners who hunger strike in Iran's prisons

The Iranian regime’s authorities in Gohardash Prison continue to deprive nearly two dozen political prisoners of necessary medical care as their health is deteriorating rapidly in the 5th week of their hunger strike.
The health of these political prisoners who are in Hall 10 of Section 4 of Gohardasht prison has worsened. They have become very weak and are suffering from hypertension. They are also suffering from severe headaches due to lack proper air circulation in the isolated cells and the hall. Prior to this, some even had difficulty siting down during their family visits on Wednesday, August 23.
The authorities in the prison intensified pressure on striking political prisoners following Tehran prosecutor’s shameless reaction to extensive expression of solidarity with striking political prisoners inside an outside of the country.
Tehran’s General prosecutor, Abbas Jafari-Dolatabadi, who is subject to sanctions by the European Union for serious human rights violations, said on Wednesday 23 August: "The judiciary would not succumb to the hunger strike of prisoners."

Iran Political prisoner joins mass hunger strike

Iran: Political prisoner joins mass hunger strike

FreeIran, Iran, Iranian Opposition, IRGC, MaryamRajavi, NCRI, PMOI, Rajavi, MEK, 

Political prisoner Arzhang Davoudi, has gone on hunger strike since August 20, 2017, in solidarity with hanger striking political prisoners held in Rajaii Shahr Prison.
The elderly prisoner Arzhang Davoudi, has been held in solidarity confinement since he was transferred to Zabol Prison, in the southeastern province of Sistan and Baluchistan.
In a message he emphasized that he will support the hunger strikers in Rajaii Shahr Prison and he is not going to stop his hunger strike until his demands are met.
Mr. Davoodi has been transferred 16 times among various prisoner which lack any health and medical facilities. He has currently been held in solitary confinement, deprived of any visitations and telephone calls. He has also been denied access to reading materials.

The World’s Shame: Iran’s Hunger Striking Political Prisoners are Largely Ignored

The World’s Shame: Iran’s Hunger Striking Political Prisoners are Largely Ignored

FreeIran, Iran, Iranian Opposition, IRGC, MaryamRajavi, NCRI, PMOI, Rajavi, MEK, 
IRAN: On the 29th Day of Hunger Strike, Political Prisoners' Health is Deteriorating Rapidly

Human rights record has deteriorated markedly in Iran according to human rights organizations including Amnesty International.
For example, most recently, on July 30, inmates in Ward 4, Hall 12 of Iran’s Gohardasht (Rajai Shahr) Prison were made subject to a violent and unexplained raid that led to more than 50 persons being transferred to Hall 10, where conditions and treatment are even worse than the prisoners had been experiencing up to that time. Hall 10 had been newly renovated ahead of the raid, apparently with the explicit intention of putting more pressure on the prisoners of conscience that the Iranian government was planning to transfer there. In their new surroundings, the prisoners are subject to 24-hour video and audio surveillance, even inside private cells and bathrooms. Windows have been covered over with metal sheeting, thereby reducing airflow during summer in a facility that was already known for its inhuman and unhygienic conditions. In additional, the raid saw the confiscation or outright theft of virtually all of the inmates’ personal belongings, including prescription medications. Since then, prison authorities have denied the prisoners access to medical treatment and have even blocked the delivery of expensive medications purchased for them by families outside the prison.

السبت، 26 أغسطس 2017

While the West sleeps, Iran continues on its deadly path

While the West sleeps, Iran continues on its deadly path

FreeIran, Iran, IRGC, Iranian Opposition, MaryamRajavi, NCRI, PMOI, Rajavi, MEK, 

The Iranian regime is the patron of terrorism in the region and the world. We should not allow this regime to make a nuclear bomb because it is a danger to the region and the world

When the nuclear agreement was reached in 2015 between the six world powers and Iran, I pointed out that the major mistake of Western governments was to believe that Tehran viewed the deal in the same way that they did.
For the West, the deal was going to be transformational — moderating the Iranian government’s foreign policy and halting its nuclear ambitions. But from the viewpoint of Iranian leaders, the nuclear accord was a transitory and fleeting deal. It was a means to an end. 
There are increasing signs that Iran’s leaders never intended to abandon their nuclear proliferation. Recently, in a surprise move, the so-called “diplomat” of Iran, president Hassan Rouhani, as well as several other high level officials, warned that the Islamic Republic now has the capability to advance its nuclear activities much more quickly than before the nuclear agreement. Rouhani cautioned: “If Americans want to return to those experiences, Iran certainly in a short time – not weeks and months, but hours and days — will return to a more advanced situation than at the start of negotiations.” In addition, Ali Akbar Salehi, head of Iran’s Atomic Energy Organization, pointed out: “We have created a lot of bridges to return to the previous conditions, quicker and better. Nuclear activity is going on better than in the past in the area of enrichment and heavy water production, and with the new design of the Arak plant in cooperation with the Chinese, and the extraction of uranium.”
These remarks indicate that, when it comes to their nuclear program, Iran’s leaders have not been sitting idly by since the nuclear deal was reached. Instead, they suggest that Tehran has conducted nuclear research in violation of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA). That is why Iran can boast that it has the capability to resume its nuclear proliferation at a much faster pace. 

Opinion No war needed for Iran regime change

Opinion: No war needed for Iran regime change

FreeIran, Iran, Iranian Opposition, IRGC, MaryamRajavi, NCRI, PMOI, Rajavi, MEK, 

The Iranian Revolutionary Guard is a terrorist force defending the Iranian regime from outside its borders and demanding the expulsion of the Iranian Guard from the region

  The objective of Ruhollah Khomeini, founder of the religious dictatorship under the pretext of the Islamic Republic of Iran, in establishing the Revolutionary Guards (IRGC) on May 5th, 1979, was to form a military force completely loyal to the mullahs’ Velayat-e faqih system.
This entity, set to be equipped with modern and heavy weaponry, would be tasked to protect the ruling institution.
This is exactly why the IRGC is this regime’s Achilles Heel and weak point. If comprehensive and immediate sanctions truly disarm the regime of this lever and expel the IRGC from the Middle East, the pillar protecting Iran’s religious dictatorship in the face of popular uprisings and international crises will crumble.
As the Ayatollahs began to establish their rule, the IRGC was tasked to oppress and eliminate dissidents, pursue Tehran’s warmongering and export terrorism. The IRGC has played a very active role in the execution of over 120,000 political prisoners during the past four decades.
The IRGC was behind the crackdown campaigns of Iran’s 1999 and 2009 uprisings, and the oppression of Iran’s religious and ethnic minorities, including the Kurds, Iranian Arabs in Ahvaz and Baluchistan.
A decade later, the IRGC was also placed in charge of the regime’s nuclear projects, ballistic missile drive, and the country’s economy.
To this end, the IRGC has become this dictatorship’s political, strategic and economic guardian.
Despite all this, warmongering and exporting terrorism is of the utmost importance for Tehran and the IRGC has monopolized such a role.
Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei, relying on the IRGC, is on the verge of establishing a fundamentalist empire stretching from Tehran to Beirut and the Mediterranean, continuing to extend to Yemen and the Red Sea.

Iran’s Challenges in Rouhani’s Second Term

Iran’s Challenges in Rouhani’s Second Term

FreeIran, Iran, Iranian Opposition, IRGC, MaryamRajavi, NCRI, PMOI, Rajavi, MEK, 

Mullah Rohani can not and does not want to change anything because he is involved in all the crimes of the regime
The second term of Iranian President Hassan Rouhani has officially begun. His first four years were experienced by the people of Iran, the region and the international community. It is necessary to discuss the challenges his second term will pose. The most important matter in Iranian politics is the issue of hegemony, authority and power. As long as the regime is formed around the supreme leader, known as the velayet-e faqih, the presidency and his executive branch will literally be functioning to his service and demands. In such a structure, the president in the Iranian regime, now Rouhani, literally enjoys no authority. Former Iranian president Mohammad Khatami once described his role as a mere “procurer.”
Considering the fact that Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei has blessed the nucleardeal known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), Rouhani’s role is to provide for the establishment’s best interests while dodging and sidestepping international demands.
Khamenei understands very well there is no better option for his regime’s future. Yet he also needs to maintain a straight face before a social base that may even accuse him of giving in to the enemy, being the United States, the “Great Arrogance.”

الخميس، 24 أغسطس 2017

IRAN Nuclear Chief Acknowledges Exploiting Nuclear Accord, Efforts for acquiring Bomb

IRAN: Nuclear Chief Acknowledges Exploiting Nuclear Accord, Efforts for acquiring Bomb

FreeIran, Iran, Iranian Opposition, IRGC, MaryamRajavi, NCRI, PMOI, Rajavi, MEK, 
The Iranian regime is not committed to international agreements, and the file of its interventions must be referred to the UN Security Council

It is necessity to prevent the regime from enriching uranium, to conduct intrusive inspections of its military and civilian sites and to interview its nuclear experts
NCRI - Remarks by the head of the Iranian Regime’s Atomic Energy Organization (IAEO) on Monday August 22 demonstrates that doors has been left open for the clerical regime to acquire nuclear bomb through the nuclear agreement it reached with the six world powers and the unjustified economic and political concessions received.
In an interview with state-run network, Ali Akbar Salehi repeated the hollow threats made by the regime. Also alike Javad Zarif, the regime foreign minister, and Hassan Rouhani, the president of the clerical regime, he emphasized repeatedly that: "Our highest priority is to preserve Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA)" and "We worked very hard to achieve JCPOA, and did not achieve it easily to lose it easily."