الاثنين، 26 يونيو 2017

يُسمع وقع أقدام مجاهدي خلق .. بقلم / عبد المجيد محمد

يُسمع وقع أقدام مجاهدي خلق .. بقلم / عبد المجيد محمد

كما ان السيدة مريم رجوي قالت في كلمة لها في أمسية رمضانية بتاريخ 3 حزيران تحت عنوان «تضامن الأديان ضد التطرف» في مقر اقامتها في باريس شارك فيها مسلمون من مختلف الدول: «أستأذنكم لكي أدعو جميع الشعوب المسلمة من كل المذاهب السنية والشيعية إلى التعاضد والتكاتف للتصدي لاولئك الذين خلقوا هذه الأوضاع المأساوية. دعوتنا إلى تضامن قائم على أسس رصينة تجمع عليها الغالبية العظمى من المسلمين.

النصر قدر للشعوب بقلم:علي ساجت الفتلاوي


علي ساجت الفتلاوي
مهما عملت و فعلت الانظمة الدکتاتورية التي تتوسل بأساليب القمع و الاعدام و السجون و الترهيب من أجل إرعاب الشعوب و إرکاعها و سلب الحرية منها، فإنها وفي نهاية المطاف ومهما تجبرت و تنمرت فإنها لايمکن أبدا أن تصمد أمام إرادة الشعوب و تلحق بها الهزيمة فذلك هو وکما أکده التأريخ المستحيل بعينه، وإذا ما أمعنا النظر في التأريخ المعاصر و الحديث فإننا نجد عددا کبيرا من الانظمة الدکتاتورية الاستبدادية قد تهاوت الواحدة تلو الاخرى و صارت عينا بعد أثر وإن نظاما کنظام الجمهورية الاسلامية الايرانية المبني على الاستبداد الديني و قمع الشعب الايراني و مصادرة حرياته يحاول و بصورة صريحة أن يغير هذه القاعدة و يبقي جاثما على صدر الشعب الايراني الى الابد!
نظام الجمهورية الاسلامية الايرانية الذي تهاوت بسبب منه المصائب و المآسي على رأس الشعب الايراني و ساءت مختلف أوضاعه الى أبعد حد بحيث صار الفقر و المجاعة و الحرمان و الادمان و التمزق و التفکك الاسري يشکل جانبا اساسيا من المشهد الايراني، وإن إستمرار مظاهر الرفض و الاحتجاج التي يقوم بها الشعب الايراني ضد هذا النظام و التي لاتکاد أن تنقطع، يجسد حقيقة الرفض الشعبي لهذا النظام، وان إنتفاضة عام 2009، قد أثبتت للعالم کله مدى رفض الشعب الايراني لهذا النظام و الرغبة الجامحة في إسقاطه و تغييره، وإن الذي لم يعد فيه من شك هو إن الشعب الايراني الذي ثار بوجه نظام الشاه و اسقطه هو بنفسه سيعود ليکرر هذا الامر مع النظام الحالي الذي يتمادى أکثر فأکثر عاما بعد عام.
شعار إسقاط النظام و تغييره، والذي کتب الشعب الايراني شعارات على الجدران و رفع لافتات في مختلف المدن الايرانية، صار الخيار الوحيد الذي يفکر فيه هذا الشعب و يناضل من أجله بکل ضراوة، وإن الذي يرعب النظام کثيرا هو إن إسقاط النظام شعار مرکزي رفعته المقاومة الايرانية منذ سنوات طويلة و أکدت و تٶکد عليه بقوة خلال التجمعات السنوية العامة لها، ذلك إن المقاومة الايرانية قد أدرکت ومنذ البداية إستحالة أن يتمکن نظام مبني على القمع و الاستبداد الديني من أن يوفر الحرية و السعادة و الکرامة الانسانية للشعب الايراني، ولذلك فإنه لم يکن من الغريب أبدا أن يتقاطر عشرات الالوف من أبناء الجالية الايرانية بل وحتى إيرانيين قادمين من داخل إيران بطرق مختلف من أجل المشارکة في التجمعات السنوية للمقاومة الايرانية، وإن التجمع القادم في الاول من تموز2017 والذي سيقام في العاصمة الفرنسية باريس، سوف يکون تجمعا إستثنائيا بکل ماللکلمة من معنى، وهو التجمع الذي سيٶکد على حتمية إسقاط هذا النظام و تغييره ذلك إن الشعوب لايمکن أن تقهر وإن النصر حليف و قدر لها.

جبهة الحرية و الغد الافضل لإيران بقلم:کوثر العزاوي

كوثر العزاوي
واخيرا بان الثرى من الثريا و إنکشف الکذب و الرياء و الدجل من الحق و الحقيقة، حيث إن کل ماقد قاله و نشره نظام الجمهورية الاسلامية الايرانية بشأن المقاومة الايرانية عموما و بشأن منظمة مجاهدي خلق خصوصا، قد تبدد و تلاشى أمام ماقد أکدته و أثبتته المقاومة الايرانية و منظمة مجاهدي خلق للعالم کله بشأن هذا النظام و حقيقة الاوضاع في إيران، والذي أخذ العالم به و صدقه لکونه يستند على أدلة و وثائق و مستندات من الواقع.
نظام الجمهورية الاسلامية الايرانية الذە بنى طوال أکثر من 37 عاما جبالا من الاکاذيب و التخرصات و التلفيقات الواهية بشأن النضال المشروع الذي تخوضه المقاومة الايرانية و منظمة مجاهدي من أجل تحرير الشعب الايراني من سطوة هذا النظام و بناء إيران حرة ديمقراطية مٶمنة بحقوق الانسان و المرأة وتحترم السيادة الوطنية للدول الاخرى ولاتتدخل في شٶونها و کذلك تسعى من أجل إيران خالية من الاسلحة النووية، وقد کان واضحا جدا بأن جبال أکاذيب النظام ستنهار أمام هذه الرکائز و الامور التي ترحب بها معظم دول المنطقة و العالم.
طهران التي صرفت المليارات و هدرت إمکانيات کبيرة من أجل بناء جبال الاکاذيب تلك ذلك إن الشئ المبني على الکذب و الخداع و التزييف يتطلب اساليب الخداع و اللف و الدوران و شراء الذمم، لکن المقاومة الايرانية التي إتبعت طريقا و نهجا مخالفا يعتمد على الشفافية و المصداقية الکاملة في إيصال الحقيقة کما هي الى العالم من خلال التجمعات السنوية العامة لها، قد کسبت الرهان ضد النظام بعدما تبين للعالم کله أن الحق معها، وهذه التجمعات التي کانت بمثابة مٶتمرات لکشف الحساب مع النظام و إظهار حقيقته و زيفه أمام العالم کله.
هناك أکثر من قلق و خوف في طهران من التجمع السنوي العام القادم للمقاومة الايرانية و الذي سيقام في الاول من تموز في باريس بحضور جماهير إيرانية تقدر بأکثر من 100 ألف الى جانب وفود و شخصيات سياسية و فکرية و إجتماعية و دينية، حيث يتم کشف النقاب مرة أخرى عن أمور و قضايا أخرى صادمة بشأن نشاطات و تحرکات هذا النظام و التي تستهدف في خطها العام السلام و الامن و الاستقرار في المنطقة، والاهم من ذلك إن هذا التجمع بمثابة جبهة الحرية و النضال من أجل الغد الافضل و الاکثر إشراقا لإيران و شعبها و وضع حد لهذا الظل الکبير الذي يتعرض له الشعب الايراني منذ أکثر من 37 عاما، وقطعا فإن النظام يعرف جيدا بأنه أمام خصم عنيد لن يتوقف إلا بعد أن يدخل طهران فاتحا منتصرا.




MaryamRajavi Iran FreeIran PMOI MEK, Rajavi,

During the summer of 1988 in Iran, some 30,000 political prisoners, the majority of whom were MEK members or sympathizers, were executed. The year is the 29th anniversary of the 1988 massacre.

Last summer, an audio tape was published by the son of Hossein-Ali Montazeri. August 9, 2016, the recording was heard for the first time, and on it Khomeini’s former heir can be heard telling a meeting of members of the “Death Committee” that they are carrying out a crime against humanity, 28 years ago, on August 15, 1988.
The tape sent shockwaves through Iran, as it adds new knowledge of the breadth and scope of the massacre and confirms that it involved the highest levels of leadership. For more than two decades silence has been imposed in regards to the massacre because, you see, Iranian leaders who held positions of power at that time, members of the notorious Death Commission, are still in leadership positions today.
They have never faced justice for committing this horrific crime against humanity.

Are U.S and Iran moving towards a military conflict?

Are U.S and Iran moving towards a military conflict?
MaryamRajavi Iran FreeIran PMOI MEK, Rajavi,

On June 19, Iran Launched 7 medium-range ballistic missiles targeting ISIS in Syria. The same day a US Navy Super Hornet shot down a Syrian Su-22. On June 20, a USAF F-15E blasted Iranian Shahed-129 armed drone out of the sky. The drone was shot down as it advanced toward the coalition-backed rebel outpost of At Tanf, near the southern Syrian border. In addition, Khamenei, Iran’s supreme leader, in a speech, harshly attacked the US and posted hostile tweets. “That US arms a terrorist group is what causes instability. Who created #ISIS? The US!... That the US joined the anti-ISIS coalition is a lie. They're against an unrestrained ISIS but agree with a controlled ISIS…US president accuses Iran of terrorism, while terrorism in this region has American roots…” The supreme leader twitted.
Now the question is if the U.S and Iran are moving towards a military conflict. Iran’s lobbies in the US are trying to say that any measure against Iran would lead to a new conflict in the Middle East, and the war is inevitable unless the West and especially the US recognizes Iran as a regional power and start to negotiate with it, and give its share of the pie. In short, continue the appeasement policy of Obama with Iran. But looking deep in Khamenei’s statements, and also to Iran’s propaganda indicates that the issue is not a new conflict, but on the contrary to contain the main source of conflict in the Middle East, namely Iran and its proxy wars in the Middle East. Iran is terrified of an external and an internal threat, and all their actions and rhetoric are the spinoff of this fear. The external threat is the US-Arab coalition against Iran’s meddling in the region, and the internal threat is the People's Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK), Iran’s main opposition organization. For 8 years Iran enjoyed the appeasement policy of Obama administration, allowing it to pursue its aggressive policy in abroad, and suppression of its people inside the country. The “Golden years” of Obama is over, an international coalition of Iran’s neighboring countries and US are united to stop Iran’s export of terrorism, and the MeK supporters, have expanded their activates inside Iran. On June 15, 2017 the Senate passed a Bill for more sanctions against Iran and its ballistic missile program. Iran’s officials called the new sanctions as the “mother of sanctions”, referring to the “mother of bombs” which US tested last month in Afghanistan. The new sanctions are the first practical measures of new policy, and the Mullahs ruling in Iran are feeling that the West means business. On the other hand millions of Iranians inside Iran are eager to see the results of the annual gathering of Iranian opposition on July 1st in Paris. The MeK supporters inside Iran have been informing the people about this gathering. In the annual gathering of the MeK over 100000 Iranians from all over the world gather to discuss their mandate, and a number of international officials from the US, Europe and Islamic countries also participate in the program. Launching ballistic missiles, and all the hostile rhetoric of Iran’s officials are in reaction to their critical internal and international situation. These are not neither signs of war, nor signs of a powerful regime, but on the contrary these are signs of a weak regime trying to hide its weakness by resonating show of power in order to save itself from the deadly crisis they are surrounded. The end result is that if we want to prevent another war in the Middle East, the key is not appeasing Iranian regime, but to put more pressure on the regime and support their opposition.

السبت، 24 يونيو 2017

Iran gets North Korean expertise in building up, testing and hiding its ballistic missiles

Iran gets North Korean expertise in building up, testing and hiding its ballistic missiles 

MaryamRajavi Iran FreeIran PMOI MEK

Iran has increased production and testing of ballistic missiles since the 2015 nuclear deal with the U.S. while playing permanent host to scientists from North Korea, which has the know-how to build and launch atomic weapons, a leading Iranian opposition group said Tuesday.
The National Council of Resistance of Iran issued a white paper that the dissidents say identifies and documents work at 42 missile centers operated by the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, the regime’s dominant security force.
A dozen sites had never been disclosed before, said the council, which operates a spy network that has exposed Iran’s hidden nuclear program.
Tehran views expertise from North Korea as being so critical that it has established residences in Tehran for Pyongyang’s scientists and technicians, according to the white paper. North Koreans have shown Iran how to dig tunnels and build “missile cities” deep inside mountains to prevent destruction by airstrikes, among other projects.
“On the basis of specific intelligence, the IRGC’s missile sites have been created based on North Korean models and blueprints,” the white paper said. “North Korean experts have helped the Iranian regime to build them. Underground facilities and tunnels to produce, store, and maintain missiles have also been modeled after North Korean sites and 

Iran Has Accelerated Its Missile Activities


Iran Has Accelerated Its Missile Activities

In a press conference in Washington DC on Tuesday, June 20, 2017, the US representative office of the National Council of Resistance of Iran revealed that on orders of Ali Khamenei, the Iran’s supreme leader, Tehran has accelerated its missile activities and tests After the Iran Nuclear Deal, known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Actionof JCPOA.
Based on detailed intelligence obtained from inside the clerical establishment in Iran, specifically reports obtained from inside the Defense Ministry and the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Coprs (IRGC), by the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK), Khamenei has tasked the IRGC’s Aerospace Force with executing this mandate.
The Iranian opposition has been one of the main sources of exposing secret aspects of Iran’s nuclear activities as well as the clerical establishment’s Weapons of Mass Destruction program.
The revelation coincides with rising sensitivity and concern regarding Iran’s missile program. The US Senate imposed wide ranging new sanctions on Iran, partly for continuing and expanding its ballistic missile program last week.
MaryamRajavi Iran FreeIran PMOI MEK,

What Is the Right U.S. Policy on Iran?


What Is the Right U.S. Policy on Iran?

MaryamRajavi Iran FreeIran PMOI MEK, 
United States Secretary of State Rex Tillerson responded to a variety of very serious questions raised by House of Representatives members in a recent hearing focusing on U.S. policy vis-à-vis Iran. Representative Ted Poe (R) from Texas touched on what many believe is the ultimate issue when he said:
“I’d like to know what the policy is of the U.S. toward Iran. Do we support the current regime? Do we support a philosophy of regime change, peaceful regime change? There are Iranians in exile all over the world. Some are here. And then there’s Iranians in Iran who don’t support the totalitarian state. So is the U.S. position to leave things as they are or set up a peaceful, long-term regime change?”
America’s top diplomat, taking into consideration how the Trump administration’s all-out Iran policy remains an issue of evaluation, answered:
“… our Iranian policy is under development.
“We continually review the merits both from the standpoint of diplomatic but also international consequences of designating the Iranian Revolutionary Guard in its entirety as a terrorist organization.” 
Tillerson added. “As you know, we have designated the Quds [Force]. Our policy towards Iran is to push back on this hegemony, contain their ability to develop obviously nuclear weapons, and to work toward support of those elements inside of Iran that would lead to a peaceful transition of that government. Those elements are there, certainly as we know.”
Iran is terrified of such a stance and responded immediately. In a tweet, Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif claimed that 75 percent of Iran’s population voted in the recent election farce back in May.

Understanding The Threats Of Iran


Understanding The Threats Of Iran

MaryamRajavi Iran FreeIran PMOI MEK, 
US President Donald Trump’s visit to Saudi Arabia and the Riyadh Summit, with leaders of over 50 Muslim nations taking part, was a major turning point in the Middle East’s balance of power. This development also signaled the end of eight years of the Obama administration’s unbridled appeasement vis-à-vis Iran. And Tehran has very specifically received the message.
For the first time in many years the world is taking steps to stand on the right side of history and alongside the Iranian people in their quest to realize their rightful demands of freedom, democracy and peace in the region.
The Iranian opposition National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), led by Maryam Rajavi, welcomed the results of this conference. Mohammad Mohaddessin, Chairman of the NCRI Foreign Relations Committee and author of the book “Islamic Fundamentalism: The New Global Threat,” shared his opinion and the Iranian opposition’s stance in this regard. 

AN North Korea helping Iran grow its ballistic missile program, details revealed in report

AN  North Korea helping Iran grow its ballistic missile program, details revealed in report

الجمعة، 23 يونيو 2017

North Korea helping Iran grow its ballistic missile program, details revealed in report

North Korea helping Iran grow its ballistic missile program, details revealed in report
MaryamRajavi Iran FreeIran PMOI MEK

Iran Has Accelerated Its Missile Activities


Iran Has Accelerated Its Missile Activities

“The IRGC’s Aerospace Force is responsible for the regime’s missiles program and the scope of the program is much more extensive than what it was previously perceived,” said NCRI-US Deputy Director Alireza Jafarzadeh.
The Iranian opposition verified the locations of 42 centers involved in the production, testing and launching of missiles by the IRGC. A dozen of these sites were revealed for the very first time. Among the 42 sites, 15 are part of the regime’s missile manufacturing network. These 15 centers include several factories related to a missile industry group and together form a web of dozens of missile production facilities.
MaryamRajavi Iran FreeIran PMOI MEK,

Rouhani’s Reelection Solves Nothing


Rouhani’s Reelection Solves Nothing

MaryamRajavi Iran FreeIran PMOI MEK,
Usually, the hope is that after an election a country can move forward, the new leader’s agenda bolstered by a popular mandate. That is not the case with Iran. Hassan Rouhani’s second term as president was far from a win for Iran’s economy, Iran’s international standing, and certainly not for Iran’s people.
In the words of the only opposition posing an existential threat to the regime, the strong-arm tactics demonstrated by the regime during the election process further divided a regime already gravely weakened by an internal power struggle. Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran, foresees Rouhani’s second term as serving only to aggravate that power struggle, bringing about a crisis at the leadership level of the ruling theocracy.
In Rajavi’s view, given the current circumstances at home and abroad, it is crucial for Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei to consolidate if he is to maintain his regime’s balance and weather out the near-daily crises that Iran faces. Khameni’s failure to manipulate the election so as to make usher Ebrahimi Raisi, his chosen candidate, into the presidential palace was a major defeat which does not bode well for his regime’s longevity.
Many believe Raisi’s “coronation” was a non-starter because his candidacy trained a spotlight on the 1988 massacre of 30,000 political prisoners. Raisi sat on the “Death Commission” that administrated the executions. That horrific national wound never healed — instead, it erupted into public outrage, and regime insiders’ fear of the mounting demand for justice caused many clerics, even powerful figures within Khamenei’s faction, to distance themselves from Raisi.

What Is the Right U.S. Policy on Iran


What Is the Right U.S. Policy on Iran

United States Secretary of State Rex Tillerson responded to a variety of very serious questions raised by House of Representatives members in a recent hearing focusing on U.S. policy vis-à-vis Iran. Representative Ted Poe (R) from Texas touched on what many believe is the ultimate issue when he said:
“I’d like to know what the policy is of the U.S. toward Iran. Do we support the current regime? Do we support a philosophy of regime change, peaceful regime change? There are Iranians in exile all over the world. Some are here. And then there’s Iranians in Iran who don’t support the totalitarian state. So is the U.S. position to leave things as they are or set up a peaceful, long-term regime change?”
America’s top diplomat, taking into consideration how the Trump administration’s all-out Iran policy remains an issue of evaluation, answered:
“… our Iranian policy is under development.
“We continually review the merits both from the standpoint of diplomatic but also international consequences of designating the Iranian Revolutionary Guard in its entirety as a terrorist organization.” 
Tillerson added. “As you know, we have designated the Quds [Force]. Our policy towards Iran is to push back on this hegemony, contain their ability to develop obviously nuclear weapons, and to work toward support of those elements inside of Iran that would lead to a peaceful transition of that government. Those elements are there, certainly as we know.”
Iran is terrified of such a stance and responded immediately. In a tweet, Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif claimed that 75 percent of Iran’s population voted in the recent election farce back in May.
Iran’s wrath was not limited to this very issue. Following the twin ISIS attacks targeting Iran’s parliament and the tomb of Ayatollah Khomeini, leader of the Islamic revolution in Iran, senior regime officials sought to portray their apparatus as a victim of terrorism.
Failing to do so, Iranian regime officials accused the US, Saudi Arabia and the main opposition group, the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK), of this terrorist plot. A few days ago, Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei lashed out at the US and accused Washington of bringing ISIS to life.
“Who created ISIS? Was it anyone but the U.S.? … The U.S. claim that they have established a coalition against ISIS is a lie; of course, the U.S. is against an ‘unrestrained ISIS,’ however, if anyone truly seeks to eradicate ISIS, they will have to fight against it,” he said.
Now the question is, what is Iran so concerned about and what is the right policy vis-à-vis Iran?

نشاطات في إيران دعما للمؤتمرالسنوي للمقاومة الإيرانية ومجاهدي خلق (PMOI –MEK)


نشاطات في إيران دعما للمؤتمرالسنوي للمقاومة الإيرانية ومجاهدي خلق (PMOI –MEK)

تتواصل نشاطات أنصار المقاومة الإيرانية داخل المدن الإيرانية في جميع أرجاء البلد بكل حماس وحرارة لإطلاع الجميع حول توقيت إقامة المؤتمر السنوي للمقاومة الإيرانية والذي قوبل بالترحاب الواسع من قبل المواطنين التواقين للحرية ومن أجل دعم المجلس الوطني للمقاومة الإيرانية بزعامة السيدة مريم رجوي وذلك بنصب لافتات مكتوبة عليها فقرات من مشروع المجلس الوطني للمقاومة الإيرانية الـعشرالذي يعطي صورة واضحة لمستقبل إيران بعد إسقاط النظام الإيراني للتخلص من هذه المتاهة التي فيها الشعب الإيراني .
وفي هذا الإطار هناك تقارير جديدة من هذه النشاطات دعماً للمؤتمرالسنوي للمقاومة الايرانية في باريس وذلك بنصب لافتات  في مدن ساوه وبوشهر و كرمان وهمدان وكرج ومختلف نقاط العاصمة طهران رغم الأجواء الأمنية المشددة والمجازفات التي يتطلب في خوض هذه الفعاليات.
وفيما يلي نص بعض هذه اللافتات :  لا للاعدام مستقبل ايران مع مريم رجوي،المعيار الوحيد للشرعية هو صوت الشعب، ليسقط مبدأ ولاية الفقية ، الموت لخامنئي ، حكم القانون والعدالة ، مريم رجوي: فصل الدين عن الدولة
مريم رجوي: حرية التعبير وحرية الصحافة ، الحرية والمساواة مع مريم رجوي ، انتخابنا مريم رجوي ،ايران الحرة مع مريم رجوي ، الديمقراطية والحرية مع مريم رجوي ،رئيس جمهورنا مريم رجوي ، تحية لمريم رجوي ، مريم رجوي : لاللحجاب القسري

الخميس، 22 يونيو 2017

iranian grand gathering

MaryamRajavi Iran FreeIran PMOI MEK, 

Iran’s Impasse and the “Sanctions Black Hole”


Iran’s Impasse and the “Sanctions Black Hole”

MaryamRajavi Iran FreeIran PMOI MEK,
The adoption of “Countering Iran’s Destabilizing Activities Act of 2017” by the United States Senate has rendered a variety of reactions from Iran resembling the terrified status of the regime’s senior ranks. Iranian media have widely referred to this new bill and the resulting authorizations as the “mother of all sanctions” and the “sanctions black hole.”
“Section 5 of this bill is related to new sanctions against the Revolutionary Guards (IRGC). This new bill is dubbed the ‘sanctions black hole’ considering the fact that based on Executive Order 13224, any individual providing services to an identified organization in this Executive Order, that individual or his/her entity will be placed on the US sanctions list or the SDN… with the adoption and implementation of this bill, we can forecast that a few thousand individuals will be placed in the SDN sanctions list…,” according to IRGC-affiliated semi-official Fars news agency.
Based on the articles of this new bill, any individual or entity in cooperation with the IRGC will be sanctioned. Iran’s concerns are not over the mere military aspect of the IRGC sanctions, as the economic impact is of grave importance.
For decades the IRGC has monopolized most of Iran’s economy – extracting oil, taking over a large percentage of Iran’s imports/exports and a number of airliners. As a result, these new sanctions bear the potential to literally paralyze Tehran’s entire economy. From the mullahs’ perspective, the new sanctions will be imposing economic suffocation and regime experts believe these new measures enjoy a far broader reach than the pre-Iran nuclear deal sanctions.

Why You Should Support the Free Iran Gathering


Why You Should Support the Free Iran Gathering

MaryamRajavi Iran FreeIran PMOI MEK,
London, 19 Jun - One hundred thousand people will gather in Paris on July 1 to support the Iranian Resistance forces in their campaign to achieve freedom and democracy in Iran.
The annual convention, organised by the National Council for the Resistance of Iran (NCRI) and its sister group, the People's Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK), attracts support from those across the political spectrum who champion human rights.
The Iranian Regime will, as usual, attempt to smear the Resistance forces with baseless claims about links to terrorism, which is pretty rich coming from a Regime labelled the number one state sponsor of terrorism in the world.
The Resistance, on the other hand, advocates for a free, democratic, and secular Iran, led by Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of the NCRI.
Political Opposition in Iran
The Regime has a history of attempting to crush its opposition, from the 1988 massacre in which 30,000 political prisoners (mainly PMOI supporters) were murdered to the consistent amount of accusations under the so-called moderate Hassan Rouhani.
Rouhani, who ordered the executions of close to 4,000 people between 2013 and 2017, began his second term by murdering 10 inmates with days of the sham elections, including 30-year-old Abdulkarim Shahnavazi. It is doubtful that any prisoners under the Iranian Regime receive a fair trial, with access to a lawyer.
There are also reports that in the month since Rouhani resumed his post as President, at least one political prisoner (24-year-old Diyako Hashemi) has been killed under torture, while at least two men have had their finger amputated and 90 children were arrested for taking part in outdoor activities.
It is common practice for the Iranian Regime to raid parties and gatherings and arrest people for bizarre reasons, like attending mixed-gender parties.
Nargis Rahmanfard, a psychology student in London, said: “The arresting of young people at parties, the poverty, suppression of ethnic minorities, suppression of women in Iran are violations that do not have a place in the 21st century, yet are enforced every day to keep the regime in power.”
There were recently at least two political prisoners on hunger strike in Iran; Atena Daemi, who was protesting against the arrest of her sisters, and Arash Sadeghi, who was protesting against the imprisonment of his wife, Golrokh Iraee.
The Regime believe that crackdowns against political opposition and free speech will prevent mass anti-Regime uprisings because the people will be too scared to revolt.

Faux Elections in Iran and Freedom for the Iranian People


Faux Elections in Iran and Freedom for the Iranian People

MaryamRajavi Iran FreeIran PMOI MEK, 
term for President Hassan Rouhani. But the country’s banned democratic opposition groups, mainly the National Council for Resistance of Iran (NCRI), universally dismissed the elections as a mere parody of democracy. The People’s Mujahedeen of Iran, (PMOI) aka the Mujahedeen-e-Khalq or MEK, is the largest unit within the NCRI. Such dissenting voices are always barred by clerical authorities who select candidates who can run.
About a week after the elections, President Trump delivered a major speech to leaders of 55 Muslim-majority countries; it marked his first effort to reach out to the world’s 1.6 billion Muslims. In his address, Trump made a gesture to the Iranian people but did not provide a mechanism for doing so. Here is where Tehran’s organized opposition could play a role by giving a voice to the Iranian people.
Despite continuing efforts to destroy its main opposition, the NCRI, this organization not only survives but thrives. One of the reasons the resistance prospers is because it maintains principles like refusing to kowtow to Tehran despite sexual torture against womenpublic hangings, as well as outdoor executions to intimidate. Tehran destroyed other organizations that compromised.
Search for a Moderate President of Iran
American presidents from both parties have repeatedly insisted on a strategy of encouraging moderation within the regime as opposed to exploiting its instability and unpopularity. This approach has been badly misguided and has resulted in a series of disappointments, following upon promises of reform from Mohammad Khatami, Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani, and now Rouhani. His first four years saw over 3,000 executions and an intense crackdown, rampaging poverty and injustice on the domestic scene; and intensifying foreign interventions and skyrocketing military/security budgets alongside efforts to advance the regime’s ballistic missile drive via testing.
With an electoral “mandate” in his pocket, Rouhani can double down on persecution of dissidents. A second term for Rouhani is unlikely to bring about any significant policy changes. The regime is more divided and thus weaker and more vulnerable; in addition, the NCRI has gained much more public standing.
Iran Freedom rally
If Trump will pay close attention to the Iran Freedom rally on July 1, he will see that the policies espoused there don’t require compromising on Trump’s policy of putting “America first.” Iranians, both inside the country and within the Diaspora, are fully prepared to take their country into their own hands in a coalition of groups that reject clerical rule in Iran. One candidate to lead this coalition is the NCRI, which has adopted the democratic, secular, and non-nuclear 10-point plan of its president-elect, Maryam Rajavi. All the coalition needs is international political support, particularly from Washington.

Iran's triangle of fear


Iran's triangle of fear

There is a Persian proverb saying those fearing the dark scream to overcome their fears.  Iran, considering its domestic and foreign dilemmas, resembles that very individual who is afraid of the dark and is screaming to overcome its fears.
On Wednesday, June 7, Iran was attacked by terrorists in a twin assault that ISIS claimed responsibility for, targeting the parliament and the tomb of the regime's founder.  In contrast to others victimized by terrorism, Tehran actually welcomed this attack and portrays itself as the victim.
Iran was under intense pressure from an international coalition against its measures in the Middle East and needed an escape route.  Tehran sought to cloak the reality of being the central banker of international terrorism.  The position taken by U.S. president Donald Trump and a recent Senate resolution became impassable hurdles.  To this end, Iran began broadcasting fake news accusing the U.S., Saudi Arabia, and Iran's main opposition coalition.
"[A] filthy regional war came to life following the June 7th incident led by Trump, [Iranian opposition leader] Maryam Rajavi and [Saudi Foreign Minister] Adel al-Jubeir," according to a report by Iran's semi-official Fars news agency.  "[T]he positions are taken by various countries after the terrorist incident indicated their relations to the terror campaigners and those who planned it. Trump resorted to a certain language signaling threats and revenge. Trump used terms better resembling the truth of US policy vis-à-vis the Middle East. Each party has revealed their mentality regarding terrorism, terror attacks[.] ... [T]he truth is the policy of terror, fear and spreading hatred is continuing by the Trump-Jubeir-Maryam Rajavi triangle[.]"
Nearly all other official and semi-official media outlets in Iran, parallel to government officials, have launched an organized choir condemning this "triangle" for the recent attack.
Why has Iran resorted to such obvious lies, accusing the U.S., Saudi Arabia, and the People's Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) of staging this terrorist attack?
Iran, considering all its crises, has no other choice but to distribute such fake news.  These lies are a reflection of Tehran's true status quo.
Why the Fear?
Iran is witnessing the establishment of an international coalition led by Riyadh and backed by Washington against its meddling in the region.  Iran's golden era of Obama's appeasement doctrine has come to an end, and the mullahs will begin paying the price for their atrocities in Syria, Iraq, Yemen, and other countries.
However, Iran's main fear lies in the third part of this triangle, the PMOI, representing a powerful and organized opposition.  The mullahs are terrified of the PMOI gaining widespread popular support inside Iran and enjoying the capability of launching major campaigns, as seen vividly during the so-called presidential election held last month.  These activists were seen distributing images of Maryam Rajavi in cities across Iran and demanding accountability against the perpetrators of the horrific 1988 massacre of over 30,000 political prisoners, mostly MEK members and sympathizers.
For eight months prior to the May elections, PMOI/MEK supporters in Iran have focused their efforts on raising awareness.  Such a campaign has dealt a severe blow to the mullahs' apparatus, forcing Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei to unprecedentedly acknowledge this massacre and place his weight behind it.
 ​In the past few weeks, images of Iranian opposition leaders and the 10-point plan presented by Maryam Rajavi, as president of the National Council of Resistance of Iran, have been put up in dozens of cities throughout Iran.
There is a Persian proverb saying those fearing the dark scream to overcome their fears.  Iran, considering its domestic and foreign dilemmas, resembles that very individual who is afraid of the dark and is screaming to overcome its fears.
On Wednesday, June 7, Iran was attacked by terrorists in a twin assault that ISIS claimed responsibility for, targeting the parliament and the tomb of the regime's founder.  In contrast to others victimized by terrorism, Tehran actually welcomed this attack and portrays itself as the victim.
Iran was under intense pressure from an international coalition against its measures in the Middle East and needed an escape route.  Tehran sought to cloak the reality of being the central banker of international terrorism.  The position taken by U.S. president Donald Trump and a recent Senate resolution became impassable hurdles.  To this end, Iran began broadcasting fake news accusing the U.S., Saudi Arabia, and Iran's main opposition coalition.
"[A] filthy regional war came to life following the June 7th incident led by Trump, [Iranian opposition leader] Maryam Rajavi and [Saudi Foreign Minister] Adel al-Jubeir," according to a report by Iran's semi-official Fars news agency.  "[T]he positions are taken by various countries after the terrorist incident indicated their relations to the terror campaigners and those who planned it. Trump resorted to a certain language signaling threats and revenge. Trump used terms better resembling the truth of US policy vis-à-vis the Middle East. Each party has revealed their mentality regarding terrorism, terror attacks[.] ... [T]he truth is the policy of terror, fear and spreading hatred is continuing by the Trump-Jubeir-Maryam Rajavi triangle[.]"
Nearly all other official and semi-official media outlets in Iran, parallel to government officials, have launched an organized choir condemning this "triangle" for the recent attack.
Why has Iran resorted to such obvious lies, accusing the U.S., Saudi Arabia, and the People's Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) of staging this terrorist attack?
Iran, considering all its crises, has no other choice but to distribute such fake news.  These lies are a reflection of Tehran's true status quo.
Why the Fear?
Iran is witnessing the establishment of an international coalition led by Riyadh and backed by Washington against its meddling in the region.  Iran's golden era of Obama's appeasement doctrine has come to an end, and the mullahs will begin paying the price for their atrocities in Syria, Iraq, Yemen, and other countries.
However, Iran's main fear lies in the third part of this triangle, the PMOI, representing a powerful and organized opposition.  The mullahs are terrified of the PMOI gaining widespread popular support inside Iran and enjoying the capability of launching major campaigns, as seen vividly during the so-called presidential election held last month.  These activists were seen distributing images of Maryam Rajavi in cities across Iran and demanding accountability against the perpetrators of the horrific 1988 massacre of over 30,000 political prisoners, mostly MEK members and sympathizers.
For eight months prior to the May elections, PMOI/MEK supporters in Iran have focused their efforts on raising awareness.  Such a campaign has dealt a severe blow to the mullahs' apparatus, forcing Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei to unprecedentedly acknowledge this massacre and place his weight behind it.
 ​In the past few weeks, images of Iranian opposition leaders and the 10-point plan presented by Maryam Rajavi, as president of the National Council of Resistance of Iran, have been put up in dozens of cities throughout Iran.