الأحد، 15 أكتوبر 2017
Hold Iran accountable for its abysmal human rights record
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Hold Iran accountable for its abysmal human rights record |
For all his claims of moderation, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani has overseen a crackdown by Iranian security forces. The ranks of political prisoners have swollen since he took office. A shockingly broad range of “offenses” can lead to execution, and despite campaign-trail promises of a more open Iranian society, Rouhani has done nothing to curtail this trend. Well over 3,000 people were executed during his first term, some for “crimes” such as donating money to banned media outlets sympathetic to the main opposition, the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran.
There are few limits on who can be put to death. Iran remains one of very few countries that still executes offenders under the age of 18 at the time of their arrest. This practice has continued during Rouhani’s tenure, and as recently as August, two juvenile offenders were slated for execution within a week of each other.
Marzieh, the legendary Diva of Persian traditional music
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Marzieh, the legendary Diva of Persian traditional music |
Ashraf os-Sadat Mortezaie (March 22, 1924 – October 13, 2010), known professionally as Marzieh, was a Tehran-born singer of Persian traditional music. Known as the great diva of Persian traditional song, her voice represented the 60-year sufferings of a nation, and the strength of Iranian women against stoning and misogyny of the mullahs' ruling Iran.
Her parents were fund of arts and her relatives included a number of sculptors, painters, miniaturists, and musicians. Her mother encouraged her to sing and supported her artistic activities throughout her life.
Marzieh said, "At a time when Iranian families rarely let their daughters study, my father albeit a clergy encouraged me to go to school and learn the sciences of the time. When I started singing, it was not normal for a woman to become a singer. At the meantime, it was not enough to have a good voice. A singer had to go to school and learn the classical theory of music. A large number of masters of music had to endorse her. One had to be knowledgeable about the theory of music. I spent long years studying the art under the supervision of the greatest masters of Persian music, before I started singing."
Maryam Rajavi Welcomes the US Policy Against the Clerical Regime and Its Crimes Against the Iranian People
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Maryam Rajavi Welcomes the US Policy Against the Clerical Regime and Its Crimes Against the Iranian People |
Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), welcomed the new US policy to "condemn the IRGC’s gross violations of human rights” in Iran and “to deny the Iranian regime and especially the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) funding for its malign activities, and oppose IRGC activities that extort the wealth of the Iranian people.”
She said acknowledgment that under the regime’s supreme leader Ali Khamenei, the regime “oppresses its people, abuses their rights” and “exports violence, destabilizes its neighbors, and sponsors terrorism abroad,” is a recognition of the illegitimacy of the Iranian regime.
In his remarks the US President called the Iranian people the “longest suffering victims of the regime,” and added, “The IRGC is the Iranian supreme leader’s corrupt personal terror force and militia. It has hijacked large portions of Iran’s economy and seized massive religious endowments to fund war and terror abroad. This includes arming the Syrian dictator, supplying proxies and partners with missiles and weapons to attack civilians in the region.”
Mrs. Rajavi said previous U.S. administrations’ policies of turning a blind eye on flagrant human rights violations in Iran, the regime’s deadly meddling in the region and concessions made to it in the course of the JCPOA have been disastrous, and for which the people of Iran and region have paid heavily. The most destructive part of this policy has been the terrorist designation of the legitimate opposition to the regime, the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK), for 15 years, at the behest of the religious dictatorship ruling Iran.
The NCRI President elect added, a firm policy is long overdue. However, the ultimate solution is the overthrow of the regime and establishment of freedom and democracy in Iran by the Iranian people and Resistance. For years, a policy of appeasement has acted as the main impediment to change in Iran. It is time that the international community recognizes the aspirations of the Iranian people and stands with the people of Iran and their legitimate right for regime change.
Mrs. Rajavi underscored, it is imperative that the National Council of Resistance of Iran be recognized as the sole democratic alternative to the terrorist, religious dictatorship ruling Iran to rectify the past disastrous policy.
Mrs. Rajavi also welcomed the designation of the IRGC as a terrorist entity under Executive Order 13224 and described it as an inevitable, necessary step for regional and global peace and security. The IRGC is the prime means of suppression, execution, and torture in Iran, spreading terrorism throughout the world, war mongering and massacre in the region, the drive for acquiring nuclear weapons, and the increase in the proliferation of ballistic missiles. If the IRGC had been recognized as a terrorist entity earlier and dealt with accordingly, the current situation in the region in general, and Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Yemen, and Afghanistan in particular, would have been totally different. It is time to immediately place under sanction all the individuals, entities, institutions, and companies affiliated with the IRGC and their trade counterparts.
The IRGC is loathed by the disenchanted Iranian people, who have shown their opposition to it, including its belligerence in other countries, on numerous occasions by rising up against the regime’s supreme leader and chanting, “forget about Syria, think about us.”
The IRGC and its affiliates control the major portion of the Iranian economy and directly reap the benefits of Iran’s economic relations. Those funds are used for domestic suppression, export of terrorism and fundamentalism and belligerence in the region and the world.
Mrs. Rajavi added: All the signs, including intensification of the regime’s internal crisis, continuous deterioration of the economic situation and expansion of anti-regime protests throughout the country, indicate that the regime has reached its final phase; its hollow bluster regarding the new U.S. policy reflects its extreme anxiety regarding the end of the appeasement era.
The new US policy should implement a number of practical steps:
· The dossier of the Iranian regime’s crimes, particularly the massacre of 30,000 political prisoners in 1988, must be referred to the UN Security Council, and the regime’s leaders and perpetrators of these crimes must be brought to justice.
· The clerical regime, the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) and its mercenary militias must be expelled from Iraq, Syria, Yemen, Afghanistan, and Lebanon; and prevented from shipping arms and dispatching forces to these countries.
· In view of its support for terrorism and continued human rights abuses, the Iranian regime must be denied access to international banking systems.
· And, the previous UN Security Council resolutions on the clerical regime’s nuclear weapons projects, ban on nuclear enrichment, as well as free and unconditional inspections of military and non-military centers must be implemented.
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Designation of IRGC, the main instrument of suppression, export of terrorism and proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, as a terrorist entity is a long overdue, necessary step towards establishment of peace
It is imperative that the National Council of Resistance of Iran be recognized to rectify the past disastrous policy vis-a-vis the people of Iran and Resistance
Maryam Rajavi, welcomed the new US policy to "condemn the IRGC’s gross violations of human rights” in Iran and “to deny the Iranian regime and especially the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) funding for its malign activities, and oppose IRGC activities that extort the wealth of the Iranian people.”
She said acknowledgment that under the regime’s supreme leader Ali Khamenei, the regime “oppresses its people, abuses their rights” and “exports violence, destabilizes its neighbors, and sponsors terrorism abroad,” is a recognition of the illegitimacy of the Iranian regime.
In his remarks the US President called the Iranian people the “longest suffering victims of the regime,” and added, “The IRGC is the Iranian supreme leader’s corrupt personal terror force and militia. It has hijacked large portions of Iran’s economy and seized massive religious endowments to fund war and terror abroad. This includes arming the Syrian dictator, supplying proxies and partners with missiles and weapons to attack civilians in the region.”
Maryam Rajavi said previous U.S. administrations’ policies of turning a blind eye on flagrant human rights violations in Iran, the regime’s deadly meddling in the region and concessions made to it in the course of the JCPOA have been disastrous, and for which the people of Iran and region have paid heavily. The most destructive part of this policy has been the terrorist designation of the legitimate opposition to the regime, the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK), for 15 years, at the behest of the religious dictatorship ruling Iran.
The NCRI President elect added, a firm policy is long overdue. However, the ultimate solution is the overthrow of the regime and establishment of freedom and democracy in Iran by the Iranian people and Resistance. For years, a policy of appeasement has acted as the main impediment to change in Iran. It is time that the international community recognizes the aspirations of the Iranian people and stands with the people of Iran and their legitimate right for regime change.
Mrs. Rajavi underscored, it is imperative that the National Council of Resistance of Iran be recognized as the sole democratic alternative to the terrorist, religious dictatorship ruling Iran to rectify the past disastrous policy.
Maryam Rajavi also welcomed the designation of the IRGC as a terrorist entity under Executive Order 13224 and described it as an inevitable, necessary step for regional and global peace and security. The IRGC is the prime means of suppression, execution, and torture in Iran, spreading terrorism throughout the world, war mongering and massacre in the region, the drive for acquiring nuclear weapons, and the increase in the proliferation of ballistic missiles. If the IRGC had been recognized as a terrorist entity earlier and dealt with accordingly, the current situation in the region in general, and Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Yemen, and Afghanistan in particular, would have been totally different. It is time to immediately place under sanction all the individuals, entities, institutions, and companies affiliated with the IRGC and their trade counterparts.
The IRGC is loathed by the disenchanted Iranian people, who have shown their opposition to it, including its belligerence in other countries, on numerous occasions by rising up against the regime’s supreme leader and chanting, “forget about Syria, think about us.”
The IRGC and its affiliates control the major portion of the Iranian economy and directly reap the benefits of Iran’s economic relations. Those funds are used for domestic suppression, export of terrorism and fundamentalism and belligerence in the region and the world.
Maryam Rajavi added: All the signs, including intensification of the regime’s internal crisis, continuous deterioration of the economic situation and expansion of anti-regime protests throughout the country, indicate that the regime has reached its final phase; its hollow bluster regarding the new U.S. policy reflects its extreme anxiety regarding the end of the appeasement era.
The new US policy should implement a number of practical steps:
• The dossier of the Iranian regime’s crimes, particularly the massacre of 30,000 political prisoners in 1988, must be referred to the UN Security Council, and the regime’s leaders and perpetrators of these crimes must be brought to justice.
• The clerical regime, the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) and its mercenary militias must be expelled from Iraq, Syria, Yemen, Afghanistan, and Lebanon; and prevented from shipping arms and dispatching forces to these countries.
• In view of its support for terrorism and continued human rights abuses, the Iranian regime must be denied access to international banking systems.
• And, the previous UN Security Council resolutions on the clerical regime’s nuclear weapons projects, ban on nuclear enrichment, as well as free and unconditional inspections of military and non-military centers must be implemented.
Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
October 13, 2017
October 13, 2017
السبت، 14 أكتوبر 2017
Iran: Regime officials looking to block access to Telegram from Iran
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Iran: Regime officials looking to block access to Telegram from Iran |
“The purpose of the counterrevolutionaries is to disenchant the people when it comes to the government which is in no way endorsed by us”, Mohammad Javad Azari Jahromi said in response to a question about whether Telegram should be shut down due to the activities of anti-revolutionary groups.
“We are insisting on the red lines,” said Azeri Jahromi…
“Of course, we are also vigilantly pursuing that (social media) channels that oppose the regime be blocked,” he added.
الأربعاء، 11 أكتوبر 2017
Iran's secret sites linked to nuclear weapons development revealed
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Iran's secret sites linked to nuclear weapons development revealed |
EXCLUSIVE – President Donald Trump is expected this week to “decertify” the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), better known simply as the Iran deal, declaring that the agreement reached in 2015 by the U.S. and five other international powers is not in America’s national interest. The matter will then be tossed back to Congress, which will have 60 days to decide whether to reimpose hefty pre-2015 sanctions
Ending America's Paralyzed Iran Policy
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Ending America's Paralyzed Iran Policy |
President Donald Trump is taking considerable heat for his expected announcement this week that he will “decertify” the 2015 Iran nuclear deal. Critics say he is heedlessly discarding a deal that has been working, and needlessly putting America on a collision course with Iran.
As it turns out, Trump is actually not poised to “rip up the deal.” By decertifying it, the president and his advisors are, in fact, signaling their intent to strengthen it, with the help of Congress, so that the deal advances U.S. national security interests. Those interests are key criteria for the certification process, which takes place every 90 days, as laid out in the Iran Nuclear Agreement Review Act (INARA) of 2015. Right now, with the Iranians hindering inspection of military sites, working feverishly on their ballistic missile program, and banking on the nuclear deal’s sunset clauses, which all but guarantee Tehran an advanced nuclear program in roughly a decade, it’s hard to argue the deal is working for the United States.
الثلاثاء، 10 أكتوبر 2017
Nuclear Agreement with Iran Has Not Contributed to Peace or Security
Nuclear Agreement with Iran Has Not Contributed to Peace or Security
FreeIran, Humanrights, Iran, IRGC, NCRI, RegimChange, StopExecutions,
FreeIran, Humanrights, Iran, IRGC, NCRI, RegimChange, StopExecutions,
The Trump White House has been a purveyor of very well-founded criticism of the 2015 Iran nuclear deal, formally known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA). Countering the narrative about the agreement curtailing progress toward a nuclear weapon, administration officials contend that the JCPOA actually paves Iran’s way toward becoming a nuclear power.
But this is not the sole or even the primary focus of the criticism, nor should it be. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson and UN Ambassador Nikki Haley have instead focused on the broader intentions behind the JCPOA, as outlined in its preamble, which statesthat the signatories “anticipate that full implementation of this JCPOA will positively contribute to regional and international peace and security.”
Nearly 22 months after the deal was implemented, this has not come to pass. Quite the contrary, the Islamic Republic of Iran has only been emboldened in areas far beyond the nuclear sphere by newfound sanctions relief and a softening of European attitudes.
Terrorist Training Camps in Iran operated by IRGC
Terrorist Training Camps in Iran operated by IRGC
FreeIran, Humanrights, Iran, IRGC, MaryamRajavi, NCRI, PMOI, RegimChange, StopExecutions,
Unbridled Fear grips hold of the Mullahs
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Unbridled Fear grips hold of the Mullahs
FreeIran, Humanrights, Iran, IRGC, NCRI, PMOI, 1988Massacre, MaryamRajavi, PMOI, RegimChange,
A paralysing fear has gripped the autocratic clerical rulers of Iran, as they stare down the barrel of a belligerent American President Donald Trump decertifying the Iran Deal on October 12th, otherwise known as the JCPOA, and also face humiliating sanctions being heaped on their brutal and savage enforcers, the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corp ( IRGC), who face the ignominy of being labelled a Terrorist Organisation by the US Administration.
This juxtaposition of unwelcome events has caused horror and abject panic to set in amongst the Mullah Regime with Ayatollah Khamenei and President Rouhani both lashing out in public and on Twitter decrying and taunting Trump with words of venom and defiance, a sure sign that the 45th US President has got them rattled and on the run, with nowhere to hide from the Judgement that is coming on their Day of Reckoning on October 12th..
Trump should Formally Recognise the Iranian Resistance
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Trump should Formally Recognise the Iranian Resistance |
Now is the decisive time for President Trump to formally recognise the Iranian Resistance, the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), and officially invite their leader Maryam Rajavi and her delegation to the White House.By lending Legitimacy and Creedence to the Iranian Resistance, Trump will be metaphorically speaking plunging a dagger into the lawless Mullah’s hearts on the International scene.
The US Administration’s new strategy should be focused on Regime Change in Tehran and Official Recognition of the Iranian Opposition ( NCRI-U.S. Rep Office ) as symbolic of Regime Change force, and the legitimate voice of the oppressed Persian people.The former US President Barack Hussein Obama abandoned and shunned the Iranian people when they last rose up in rebellion against the criminal Mullahs in 2009, to the eternal shame and dismay of the democratic world, now is the vital time for President Trump to make official amends for this heartless and embarrassing faux pas by Obama and his discredited foreign advisers.
الاثنين، 9 أكتوبر 2017
Blackwell Letter to Haley U.N. Must Investigate Massacre in Iran—30,000 Dead in 1988
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Blackwell Letter to Haley: U.N. Must Investigate Massacre in Iran—30,000 Dead in 1988
FreeIran, Humanrights, Iranian Opposition, IRGC, PMOI, RegimChange, StopExecutions, 1988Massacre,
Trump should Formally Recognise the Iranian Resistance
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Trump should Formally Recognise the Iranian ResistanceFreeIran, Humanrights, Iran, Iranian Opposition, MaryamRajavi, NCRI, PMOI, RegimChange, |
ANALYSIS: Certified or decertified, Iran faces tough road ahead |
الأحد، 8 أكتوبر 2017
This is an interesting article which shows appeasement of the Iranian regime is not a solution to Iran’s nuclear program.
President Trump has been very clear about his strong commitment to combat the global scourge of terrorism and to combat those nations that support and enable it.
He has signaled his desire to build meaningful partnerships to achieve these goals and his focus in the Middle East is particularly relevant.
In his first speech to the United Nations General Assembly last month, the President unhesitatingly identified which players are our friends and which are our enemies in that unstable region.
السبت، 7 أكتوبر 2017
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Investigation of Argentina’s “Dirty War” Set Precedent for Inquiry into Iran’s “Summer of Blood
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Investigation of Argentina’s “Dirty War” Set Precedent for Inquiry into Iran’s “Summer of Blood |
ISJ Publishes Report Detailing a 'Review of Iran's Nuclear Weapons-Related Conduct in the Last Two Years'
ISJ Publishes Report Detailing a 'Review of Iran's Nuclear Weapons-Related Conduct in the Last Two Years' |
الثلاثاء، 3 أكتوبر 2017
The case for a 'clean withdrawal' from the Iran Nuclear Deal
The case for a 'clean withdrawal' from the Iran Nuclear Deal |
There’s a pitched rhetorical battle underway right now in Washington as an October 15 deadline approaches for President Trump to certify to Congress that the 2015 nuclear deal with Iran (the JCPOA) is in the national interests of the United States and that Iran is in compliance. Although the president said last week he has made his decision, backers and opponents of the agreement are working overtime to convince him to adopt their recommendations.
Two years later: 5 recommendations for a new Iran nuclear policy
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Two years later: 5 recommendations for a new Iran nuclear policy |
Two years into the nuclear deal with Iran — known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) — it has become clear that neither the people of Iran nor the region are better off.
The previous administration’s policy of engagement failed to address rampant human rights violations, regional aggression, a burgeoning missile program and the export of terrorism, all of which are crippling Iran’s own population.
- Protect Pro-Democracy Iranians
In signing the JCPOA, the P5+1 (namely the UN Security Council's five permanent members, plus Germany) opted to trust a regime that boasts of deceiving the West, rather than the Iranian people, who are generally acknowledged to be pro-western and anti-regime. President Trump acknowledged this in his remarks this September to the UN General Assembly:
“The entire world understands that the good people of Iran want change, and, other than the vast military power of the United States, that Iran's people are what their leaders fear the most. This is what causes the regime to restrict internet access, tear down satellite dishes, shoot unarmed student protesters, and imprison political reformers.”
Instead of protecting Iran’s people, the JCPOA ignores their aspirations and suffering at a terrible cost. The deal does nothing to slow rampant arrests and mass executions, not to mention the regime’s continuing concealment of its nuclear facilities. Let's stop giving the mullah’s a free pass to murder the Iranian people.
الاثنين، 2 أكتوبر 2017
ANALYSIS Is Iran’s intransigence whiplashing onto its population
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ANALYSIS: Is Iran’s intransigence whiplashing onto its population? |
Iran’s aggressions across the Middle East and its support for terrorist and fundamentalist organizations have raised strong remarks from senior regional officials and their American counterparts. And the impact is whiplashing back into Iran’s population.
Iran is ramping up its illicit activities across the Middle East, especially in Syria and Iraq, and threatens free navigation in international waters, according to the US military’s top officer, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Joseph Dunford, as he explained his concerns to the Senate Armed Forces Committee at a recent hearing.
Last month’s United Nations General Assembly in New York was the scene of many foreign ministers and other senior officials making strong remarks criticizing Iran’s meddling in regional countries and its unbridled backing of proxy groups checkered throughout the Middle East.
“The Iranian government masks a corrupt dictatorship behind the false guise of a democracy,” said US President Donald Trump during his first UNGA speech. Tehran’s regime is a “rogue state whose chief exports are violence, bloodshed, and chaos,” he added.
Russia giving cover to Iran could doom nuclear deal as Trump considers whether to certify
Russia giving cover to Iran could doom nuclear deal as Trump considers whether to certify |
As President Donald Trump considers whether to certify to Congress the controversial 2015 nuclear deal with Iran, word that the United Nations’ nuclear watchdog can’t verify a crucial part of the agreement could tip the scales with time running out by the middle of next month.
U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. Nikki Haley indicated Thursday that Russia was shielding Iran by blocking the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) from verifying part of the deal. The IAEA initially revealed the news to a reporter in a Q&A. Meanwhile, under a requirement from Congress, Trump must choose whether to certify the deal by October 15.
Yukiya Amano, the IAEA Director General, told Reuters that his agency’s “tools are limited,” regarding verification of section T in the nuclear deal.
Section T of the Iran nuclear deal, which is also known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), prohibits activities related to “design and development” of a nuclear weapon.
Amano told Reuters that the Russians don’t believe the IAEA has a mandate for that particular section of the agreement.
In response to his admission, Haley, not referring to Russia by name in her statement, said that for the deal to have meaning, “the parties must have a common understanding of its terms.”
Stop Calling Rouhani a Moderate and Advocate for Regime Change
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Stop Calling Rouhani a Moderate and Advocate for Regime Change |
London, 28 Sep - There are many things that you could call Iranian President Hassan Rouhani but “moderate” is not among them, according to a leading expert on the Iranian Regime.
Dr. Majid Rafizadeh, a Harvard-educated political scientist, wrote an op-ed for Eurasia Review in which he broke down that Rouhani is not a moderate and that moderates do not exist in the Iranian Regime.
After Rouhani’s desperate and deceptive speech to the UN last week, in which he attempted to paint the Regime as a democracy, many in the West fell hook, line and sinker for his lies. Rafizadeh was determined to right this wrong with indisputable facts about Rouhani and the Regime.
Facts on a “moderate” Regime
• Since Rouhani took office in 2013, over 3,000 people have been executed in Iran; dozens of them children.
• Iran has the highest per capita rate of executions in the world and remains one of the only countries that still executes minors.
• Elections are heavily controlled by the Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei
• Iran is working to destabilise the Middle East (specifically Syria, Yemen, and Iraq) in order to take over in a power vacuum.
• Many of the serving officials were directly involved in the 1988 massacre of over 30,000 political prisoners, including both Justice Ministers appointed under Rouhani
Rafizadeh wrote: “No wonder the Iranian people want a new Iran, free from a regime that diverts their wealth and scarce resources toward suppression, missiles and terrorism.”
The Massacre
In 1988, 30,000 political prisoners, mainly members of the Mujahedin-e Khalq (PMOI/MEK) were executed on the orders of then-supreme leader Ruhollah Khomeini. Among them were children, the elderly, those who were pregnant, and those who were disabled, those who had served their sentences and those who were not even sentenced at all.
Their families have demanded investigations at great personal risk but they have been shut down. The international community must step in.
US Senator Joe Lieberman is one of many calling for an international investigation into the 1988 massacre to expose the mullahs for their crimes against humanity and obtain justice for the victims.
He said: “It’s time for a truth commission in Iran the way there was a truth commission in South Africa after the end of apartheid.”
Rafizadeh wrote: “The international community should break its silence over the 1988 massacre. Washington should lead the way. The first step is to establish an independent investigation. More broadly, as part of a new policy that rejects both appeasement and war, America should support the Iranian people and the organized opposition of Iran toward the ultimate goal of democratic change.”
Regime Change
As asserted by Donald Trump in his address to the UN, the main victims of the Regime are their own people and the people of Iran are desperate for change.
This was demonstrated by the thousands of Iranian-Americans, the organized opposition movement, the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), and their supporters who gathered outside the UN to protest Rouhani’s admittance and the more than 11,000 recorded anti-Regime protests inside Iran in the past year.
The NCRI’s President-elect Maryam Rajavi, said: “It is time for the world community, especially western countries, to end appeasing the mullahs’ regime. Any diplomatic and commercial relations with the regime must be conditioned on a halt in torture and executions.”
Rafizadeh wrote: “This is the first time since 1979 that the White House, regional powers and the international community have had the momentum to exert the needed pressure. A new Iran shines on the horizon... Let us hope it is shining just as bright for the White House.”
Iran Human Rights Monitor, Monthly Report – September 2017
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Iran Human Rights Monitor, Monthly Report – September 2017
Iran, Humanrights, StopExecutions, FreeIran, MaryamRajavi, PMOI, MEK,
In September systematic violations of human rights continued, including a growing wave of public and secret executions, hand amputation, floggings, torture to death of detainees and killing of porters.
In the following report Iran Human rights monitor tries to announce a series of human rights abuses in September.
Executions, arbitrary murders, deaths in custody
Iran Human Rights Monitor have registered 42 executions in the month of September from which 22 have been made public by the state media. Therefore, the actual number must be considerably higher.
From all executions seven were carried out in public and others were implemented in the prisons of Ardebil, Borujerd, Khorramabad, Mashhad, Zanjan, Kerman, Qom, Karaj, Qazvin and Tabriz. Amongst those executed there is a woman identified as N.A. who was hanged in the Central Prison of Zanjan, in northwestern Iran. The state-run Mehr news agency reported her execution on September 19, 2017.
On September 19, two men including a 23-year-old prisoner were hanged in Ardebil Prison while they were both handcuffed and shackled. The young man had been sentenced to three years behind bars, however later he was sentenced to death on new fabricated charges.
An audience of fellow inmates were assembled to witness their executions.
These inhuman acts are carried out on the order of prison officials aiming at tormenting inmates before their executions.
On September 20, at the same time as Iran’s President Hassan Rouhani delivered his speech at the United Nations General Assembly, 14 executions and 3 death sentences were carried out.
According to human rights monitoring reports, from 170 prisoners held in Ardabil prison, 25 are on death row whose death sentences have been upheld by supreme court. Many of them were under the age of 18 at the time of committing the crimes.
Arbitrary Murders:
Seven porters were shot dead by the regime’s border guards.
An 18-year-old juvenile was shot dead in the northern city of Abadan.
A young Baluchi man was shot dead in Khash region in Sistan and Baluchestan Province.
Deaths in custody:
In the last weeks of September, the warden of Zahedan Central Prison ordered to transfer a 22-year-old prisoner identified Isa Barahouei to solitary confinement where he had endured torture by prison guards. Subsequently the inmate committed suicide in solitary cell to end his suffering caused by ongoing torture.
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